
  1. Component parts to be included in the sub-assembly are picked from inventory and delivered to the sub-assembly station.
  2. Sub-assemblies are “built” at the assembly station, and parts are connected and secured. Finished sub-assemblies are loaded onto racks or carts.
  3. Completed sub-assemblies are delivered to the line-side. Delivery is often between manufacturing facilities, but it can be within the facility.
  4. Completed sub-assemblies are incorporated into the end item. Sub-assemblies can also be sequenced (not depicted).

Sub-Assembly is the process that combines or builds components into component assemblies for inclusion in larger end items. It is the combining of components to create a new parent that requires assembly. This is a manufacturing process in and of itself. Starting with a base, component parts are attached and incorporated to form a complete new item. Sub-assemblies may also need to be customized for specific end items. When this occurs, Universal sequences the entire sub-assembly and line-side delivery process to ensure the merger of the proper sub-assembly with its corresponding end item. Sub-assembly processes are normally conducted within separate sub-assembly areas or facilities, which are independent of the end item assembly line. Sub-assemblies are transported to the assembly line for final integration into the end item. Universal is the industry leader in the design and execution of ready-to-install assemblies. We provide the people, processes and tools to separate sub-assembly processes traditionally performed on the manufacturing floor, and to move them further back in the supply chain and out of plant facilities.

We carefully engineer sub-assembly processes and delivery to the line-side methods. We develop special application tools, custom delivery vehicles and sequencing carts to make sub-assembly flow to the final manufacturing process easy. Our AccuLinc system controls every aspect of the sub-assembly process. It provides bill-of-materials and manufacturing control, precise control of inventory and meticulous workflow management. It scans and validates every action on every part while capturing all process history. Comprehensive, electronic scanning at every station enables the serial tracking of parts and sub-assemblies, sequencing and labeling all in a technology-enabled and error-proof structure. Furthermore, our AccuLinc system ensures 100% inventory accuracy.

© 2016 Universal Logistics Holdings, Inc. All information and graphics contained in this document are proprietary to Universal Logistics Holdings, Inc. It is furnished to the receiver for their internal use only and may not be reproduced or shared with a third party without expressed written permission from Universal Logistics Holdings, Inc.